Embracing Peace: Guided Meditations for the Spiritual Person
I woke up in a horrible mood this morning and was trying to think of something I could do to help me. I have a few things in my witchy "toolbox", so to speak, that are perfect for anxiety, depression, and a general sense of "emotional unwellness". I wanted to share a few of them with you because I'm sure I'm not the only person to experience this!
Before you hop into any sort of fix for anything, you should know (or at least have a general idea) what's causing the problem. You wouldn't try to fix your kitchen sink without knowing why it's leaking, right? Well, the same goes for magic and dealing with the body, heart, and mind.
It might not be possible to figure out exactly what's causing your issue, but as long as you have a general understanding of yourself, that should work just fine. For example, I woke up this morning feeling very overwhelmed and down. I'm not at the point of a depressive episode (yet) but if this feeling continues, that's where it's headed. When this happens, it's usually an anxiety response to something happening in my life. Dealing with that first is important! Then I can address the other feelings that come along with it.
See also: Shadow Work - Embrace the Darkness to Become Whole
There are a lot of mundane ways you can boost your mood, such as exercise, a favorite food, good music, etc. Most of us know those things, right? So today, I wanted to share four magical ways you can boost your mood. You can use this in tandem with your mundane solutions, too. Magic works better when it's combined with inspired action in the mundane world, after all!
Some sources say that the smell of citrus can help boost your mood, particularly lemon (although orange is my favorite). You can utilize this mundane knowledge and combine it with the magical correspondences for lemons and oranges - both of which are associated with happiness, joy, and sunshine. Use the essential oil or dried peel oil to create a mood-boosting spell oil. You can find a recipe I created for a weekly challenge over on Spells8.
When I'm dealing with a lot of big emotions, I tend to go for a candle spell. I have historically been the kind of person who loves to light things on fire, so why not give my emotions to a candle and burn them away, ya know? The process for this spell is simple - grab a candle, hold it in your hands while you focus on the emotions and push that energy into the candle, light the candle, and release the burden!
This doesn't remove the emotions completely, of course, and it is important for your mental health that you deal with whatever is going on. However, I have found that using this spell to take the edge off, the harshness of my emotions, helps me be better capable of processing them.
Sometimes I just need a bit of self-care and a ritual bath is a great way to manage that. I utilize a cleansing technique (not one particular one, just one that I feel like at that moment) and hop in the bath. A lot of times the cleansing will help remove any errant energy I'm carrying or holding on to. Releasing this will, in turn, make me feel emotionally lighter and better capable of handling anything that's happening. I don't know about you but I always feel better after a bath, even better if it's a ritual bath!
Depending on why my mood needs boosting, I will follow along with a guided meditation. Usually, this only works for me when my mood is low such as sadness or depression. If I'm anxious or overwhelmed in any way, sitting in stillness with my thoughts doesn't help me feel better. There are several free ways to listen to guided meditations. You can find an abundance on YouTube, which is great as long as there aren't any mid-roll ads, or you can use an app such as InsightTimer.
If you're reading this, I can only assume that you need a bit of mood-boosting magic (like me!) - I hope these tips help you and that you find the joy and happiness you're looking for. Remember, too, that magic goes hand-in-hand with the mundane world. If you're dealing with overwhelming life stuff, don't be afraid to reach out to the services you have available to you such as therapy or a medical provider. It's okay!
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