Embracing Peace: Guided Meditations for the Spiritual Person
I’ve never been good at these “about me” pages. It’s hard to describe myself, my path, and how I got to where I am. I’ll do my best, though, and maybe leave you with a better understanding of me as a person, as a witch, and as a pagan.
I was born and raised in the Southern Valley of California. I wasn’t raised in a strictly religious household, but I was very familiar with the idea of the Christian God. My father’s parents were LDS Mormon and my mother’s parents are some sort of Christian. My parents fall somewhere in between. We went to church when I was a kid, but not every Sunday. We definitely went during important holidays such as Christmas and Easter.
I discovered Wicca in my early teens, sometime in the 2000s. My best friend showed me a book she found, and after that, there was no looking back. Over the next few years, I would have an on-again-off-again relationship with Wicca. This was mostly because, as a young teen, I was busy trying to find my place in the world while going through some really difficult, trauma-induced life stuff. Eventually, I would leave Christianity behind altogether and embrace a more pagan-based spirituality. There have been many detours between then and now, and that’s to be expected. Now, more than 15 years later, I have found my path as an eclectic witch and Celtic Pagan.
I have always been a solitary practitioner by choice, preferring the company of myself and my spirits over the company of others in practice. I have performed spells and rituals with others, but it isn’t my preferred practice. It has been through online communities and platforms that I have made friends, learned more than I ever thought possible, and found my calling to be of service to the witchcraft and pagan communities. Here at ‘Round the Cauldron, I focus on Celtic studies, eclectic witchcraft, divination, pagan parenting, and mental health.
I’m also an avid diviner. I enjoy reading tarot and oracle for myself and others. I am a self-taught tarot reader, learning the skill over many years, honing my intuition and connection with the Otherside. Through divination, I have been able to help many people get answers to their questions and guidance on their path.
I now live in Maine with my fiancé, our daughter, our six snakes, a cat, and our derpy Doberman. When I’m not witching it up, you can find me crocheting, playing Runescape, or reading a good book.