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Ambrosia's Book of Witch Flight | Book Review

Having only read one other book about spirit flight, I was already very interested in Jasmyne's take on the subject. Rather than approach the subject solely from a historical and traditional perspective, Jasmyne brings a different perspective to witch flight. It was refreshing to read about another witch's personal experiences with the Otherworld.

Mood-Boosting Magic: Four Tips For Magical Joy

There are a lot of mundane ways you can boost your mood, such as exercise, a favorite food, good music, etc. Most of us know those things, right? So today, I wanted to share four magical ways you can boost your mood. You can use this in tandem with your mundane solutions, too. Magic works better when it's combined with inspired action in the mundane world, after all!

Change is a Constant - A Life Update

Well, it's been a minute since I've written a blog post or uploaded a video on my channel. It's been even longer since I've uploaded a podcast episode. I finally had some time to sit down and chat about what's going on with me, where things are going from here, and everything that's happened in between.

Witchcraft Unchained | Book Review

Craig Spencer is a Lancashire-based witch who practices a regional form of witchcraft. In this book, the author explores the history of witchcraft through the lens of British Witchcraft. From history to gnosis, this book contains a bit of everything that a modern witch might need to know to further their study in witchcraft regardless of their path.

A Day of Revelations

It's barely after 10 AM this morning and it's already been a day of revelations and epiphanies. I had one this morning while waiting for my child to go to school and another when I left the gym. I did a tarot reading this morning about focus. I've really been struggling with direction in life, being pulled this way and that way at any given second.